The 2016 Olympics caused quite a bit of frustration for many here in he US as Chicago lost out to Rio de Janeiro. Fox News host Glenn Beck was criticized by a heavy contingency of Democrats for saying he was glad Chicago was lost out and was called "un-American" for his comments. I happen to agree with Beck on this notion. It is not un-American in the least, in fact my justification is very American. I understand why President Obama went to Copenhagen as he wanted to improve our foreign relations abroad and display the US as the capable democracy it is. However, we have bigger things to worry about than the Olympics. We are in the midst of an economic downturn, in need of a strong health care system and fighting two wars abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead of spending millions of tax dollars (state, city, federal) on propping up Chicago for the Olympics, we should provide food, health care and housing for our own citizens, let alone world athletes. I voted for Obama, I support Obama but his energy and time should be spent more efficiently. It is not un-American to want your country to spend money efficiently and take care of its own citizens that need help now. The Democrats did the same thing that the Republicans did to Obama during the election with the whole flag pin nonsense. We do not define the love of our country in the wearing of a pin or opinion on the Olympics. Democrats and Republicans alike need to grow the hell up and start getting things done. Beck needs to smarten up and stop following the lead of Rush Limbaugh. Beck and Limbaugh go way too far and their criticisms are a disgrace to their own character.
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