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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Vice President Candidates: Barack Obama

Barack Obama may very well earn the Democratic Nomination, seeing that he has a solid lead over Clinton in the delegate lead. However, their is always the threat that Clinton could take the nomination if it goes to the convention. Regardless, it is now time for us to start considering who Barack Obama could choose as his running mate should he earn the nomination. The list includes:

John Edwards: A lot of people feel Edwards would be a good candidate for this position and fare much better than he did in 2004 as John Kerry's running mate. However, Edwards is often seen as too inconsistent and really fails to identify strongly with one social class. I personally feel that this is not Edwards' time and that he should wait at least another 4 years before making a run at the Nations highest office. Obama needs a candidate who he balances with and its really unclear whether or not Edwards would provide the much needed stability.

Hillary Clinton: Of course, this is assuming Clinton does not get the nomination, but its clear that Clinton is a very popular political figure. It has also been said that should Obama earn the nomination, 28% of Clinton supporters will vote for McCain. That alone could be very costly for Obama in his quest for the White House. Clinton also has White House experience as the First Lady for 8 years and always has Bill to confide in. While this particular ticket may be a long shot, it has often been deemed a "dream ticket" by Democrats and Republicans alike.

Wesley Clark: A good way for Obama to balance the military presence that his opposition, John McCain possesses, would be to select General Wesley Clark. Clark was a former valedictorian at West Point and is a decorated military figure. Clark would bring military expertise and experience to an Obama ticket. The only draw back to Clark is that he has endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Joe Biden: I personally really liked Biden during the debates and felt that he would make a very good President. He is an excellent public speaker and is known to tell it how it is. I am more than confident that Biden could over match almost any Republican VP candidate in the debates as well as prove he is more than competent for the position. He is an expert in foreign policy and is well respected. However, Biden does not have the military experience and really won't help Obama win any Republican states.

Bill Richardson: The Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson figures to definitely earn some consideration for the role. Richardson, who is of latino decent, will further re-enforce the ethnic message an Obama ticket would present. He is well liked amongst Democrats and has endorsed Barack Obama, despite his strong ties to the Clintons. Although Richardson would bring a large majority of the hispanic vote with him, he has a history of being rather eccentric and even defended Alberto Gonzalez, many believe because of his spanish decent.

Other candidates of note:

Janet Napolitano

Jim Webb

Ron Bloomberg