To my dismay, I am not the first person to make this distinction, as Mark Sanford and Al Franken have already beat me to it. Limbaugh has gone on a limb to make it clear that he wants President Barack Obama to fail. This of course is coming from a man who has a contract to make $400 million dollars throughout the course of his talk radio contract which expires in 2016. It does not surprise me that a man of such wealth would want the President to fail. If Obama fails, the American economy will fail to recover and subsequently the middle/lower class American will fail. What does Limbaugh have to lose? Money? He already has enough money to live very well for the rest of his life. In calling for his hope that Obama fails, Limbaugh is insinuating that he hopes the economy fails and that notion, in my opinion, is UN-AMERICAN. The American people have so much at stake right now and Limbaugh's attitude is both disgusting and insulting to the United States as a whole. It appears as though his loyalties lie with his party, rather than his country. Mr. Limbaugh, the American people have spoken and it is time you get off your high horse and stop sulking over your beloved Republicans defeat. Our current economic situation is an American crisis, that transcends party lines and political ideological differences. If you cannot understand that, you are a fool.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Rush Limbaugh Is an Idiot
Posted by Kevin at 10:04 PM
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I can't believe that Limbaugh is still around and making dumb comments like that. I agree, it's insulting and he's an idiot!
I think you need to look closer at what he said.
He basically wants Obama's "PLAN" to fail or be stopped!....because he feels it is already doing irreparable harm to the country. Just as MANY feel his latest policies are causing harm... in the economy, foreign policy and more.
Sorry you don't see it that way....but he, too has the right to oppose the direction we're going.
The title itself is amazing.
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